Friday, November 27, 2009

Take a ride with me on Eli's train of thought. This was an actual conversation we had in the car today.

Eli: Mommy, woodchips are not our friends.
Me: Um, what?
E: Woodchips are NOT our friends.
M: Ummmm, okay. Why?
E: Because they aren't people. They don't have bodies. So they can't be friends.
M: Oh. Okay.
E: And they don't have feet. So they don't wear socks.
M: Socks?
E: Yeah. I wear socks so my feet don't get cold. And if I don't wear them, my feet get very very cold.
M: Yes. Very true.
E: And if I don't wear clothes, I am very very VERY cold.
M: Also true.
E: And if you don't wear clothes, Mommy, then you go to bed.
M: Excuse me?
E: Yes. You take off your clothes and put them in the dirty laundry then you put on your pjs and go to bed.
M: Um. Yeah.
E: But woodchips don't wear pjs either.

No kidding, we really had this conversation.

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