Wednesday, December 02, 2009

And another ridiculous conversation form last night...

Eli: (coming out of his room after bedtime, looking very sleepy but clearly awake) Mommy, there's an elephant in my room.
Me: excuse me?
E: There's an elephant in my room and he's bothering me. A pretend elephant.
M: That's terrible. Say to him, "Mr Elephant, you are being very rude. Please leave my room. I'm trying to sleep."
E: Elephant, you're rude. Go away. (totally without a trace of humor or irony)
M: See, there he goes.
E: Thank you Mommy. (goes back to bed)
E: (ten minutes later opens door briefly then closes it again.)
M: (going in his room) Eli, is everything okay?
E: (very sleepy) No Mommy, there was a pretend giraffe in here and I had to let him out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love this!