Sunday, February 15, 2009

We broke the news yesterday to Eli. "Happy Valentine's Day, kid. You're getting a sister."

Well, okay, it wasn't quite like that, but after a lot of confusing circular conversation, here is where Eli has landed: a baby is coming to live at our house but not tomorrow. She will be Eli's baby. He will be her bigbrotherbigsister. But for now, the baby is hiding in Mommy's belly and can't go to the zoo yet. And he can't wait to teach her how to use the potty.

He does talk to her though, and it is really, really cute. Today when I got home from work, he lifted up my shirt and spoke into my belly button, "Hi little baby. I went to the zoo and saw the elephant show. Bye now." Then kissed my belly and pulled my shirt down. But this evening when I asked him if he wanted to include the baby in his Daddymommybasco nighttime prayer, he replied, "no, Mommy, the baby's hiding." Like duh.


Timothy and Beth said...

Oh, he's going to be a great big brother!

Diabetes and Me said...

That is the cutest thing ever. I teared up a little bit when you wrote that he kissed your tummy. This is Anna btw.