Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby's got berries!

We've had some new adventures in eating around our house. Linden is trying finger foods. She's hilariously bad at it and Tabasco gets some huge meals from cleaning the floor. Occasionally, though, she'll get a food she really, really likes and then she is very careful to get each piece into her mouth. She still misses half the time, but it is fun to watch! Here's Baby Sister and her newest love, blueberries!


Lena said...

Ummm...per usual I was checking your blog from my phone. Linden is adorable! Gavin also thinks so - he ripped the phone from my hand so he could look at Linden's picture! Look out Mom!

Lena said...

Ummm...per usual I was checking your blog from my phone. Linden is adorable! Gavin also thinks so - he ripped the phone from my hand so he could look at Linden's picture! Look out Mom!