Sunday, July 30, 2006

Six weeks to go!

Well, okay, six weeks and two days and that is to the actual due date which, from what we hear, is really only an educated guess.

I've given in to the idea of a blog. I'm still not entirely sure what we're going to write about, but it seems like a great way for our friends and family far away to get a peek at how the baby (six weeks away!) is growing and how we're all learning to take care of each other.

I have no illusions that this will be the most brilliant writing ever or even particularly clever, but I'll put up of lots of pictures of the little rugrat and I promise to bore you to tears with all of the minute details of his life.

I don't plan on blogging much in the next couple of weeks, since the star of the show isn't actually born yet, but check back from time to time and we'll occasionally entertain with the foibles of getting ready for the grand entrance.


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