We're rockin' and rollin' here at Casa YoSim. Linden is three weeks old and growing like a weed. A pudgy weed, but a weed, nonetheless. She topped ten pounds last week, the little piglet. She's a much different baby than her brother was, very easygoing and easy to please. she sort of rolls along with us, letting us know when she's hungry (which is most of the time) but otherwise just watching the chaos go by. She's a joy!
Eli is adjusting a little better each day. He is so sweet and gentle with his sister. He is a great big brother and we all hopes he keeps up the wonderful attitude he has towards her. He is still a bit wild and unpredictable (he's two for crying out loud) but as long as his energy is directed into something active, he is pretty good. We're getting there...
awww. . .little round cheeks! Linden has her own look already--doesn't look at all like Eli's early pictures. When are you going to download Skype so I can see from Paris?
We're depending on you for sibling pointers!
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