Thursday, September 13, 2007

If you were to read this blog on any kind of regular basis, you'd think that we do nothing but go on vacation. That is so remarkably far from the truth it is laughable. Having said that, we just got back from the beach (again!).

It was a wonderful trip. The weather was beautiful, perfect really and there was almost no one there. We had the whole island to ourselves. Eli was great. He was so much fun and on his best behavior the whole time. Kevin even gave me the chance to go to the spa and get a massage, thanks to the gift certificate that The Girls gave me when I was about 100 months pregnant and felt like a whale with vericose veins. So yes, I got a massage... a chocolate massage. I am not kidding! I was massaged with fancy cocoa oils. It was like getting massaged in a godiva factory-- bliss!

But that's not the exciting news (as nice as it was!). The exciting news is that Eli took his first steps on the beach! He has been really good at standing for a while now and can stand and squat, up and down, without holding on to anything. But one afternoon he stood up and took a step on the beach before landing on his bum. Kevin and I were ecstatic.

He has since taken several more steps with his record being this afternoon's shaky 5 in a row. It is amazing to watch.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I was just looking back at the picture of Kevin with Eli in the Baby Bjorn last September. Eli's legs look so tiny back then! It's incredible to think that he's walking on them now. By the time I see y'all in December, I'm sure he'll be salsa dancing or training for his first triathlon or something...