It is hard to believe, but Eli is two months old as of yesterday! So I have no new pictures to post. There are some out there somewhere, I'm just not organized enough to get them up here.
Some updates: Eli still won't sleep at night in any real sense. We've taken to sleeping together in the recliner. He sleeps more hours in a row like that (sometimes even hitting four at a time!) and doesn't wake as long to nurse. So it feels more like long stretches of sleep. But in a chair. I'm trying hard to believe that this will pass and he will one day be a good little independent sleeper, but in the mean time, sleeping is just weird.
In addition to outgrowing the #1 diapers, Eli also now fits into some of the 3-6 month clothes! Such a big boy! He still likes best being carried around so that he can see the world form on high. I can't say that I blame him. His Daddy and I are much more fun than a stupid crib.
Tomorrow, Eli will have his first Thanksgiving and meet many York-side relatives that he's never met before. It has been made clear that Kevin and I should be ready to be ignored since we are, having procreated, no longer of use to the family.
Maybe we'll go find a comfy place to nap...