I’m a believer. I do not want to regularly make this blog an place for product endorsements, but I’ve finished reading a book that has changed my day and maybe even my month.
As previously mentioned, sweet little Eli really doesn’t like to be put down. Ever. Ever ever. This is mostly fine and his daddy and I are happy to accommodate since we live to hold the little guy. He’s so soft and warm, he is pretty much irresistible. But occasionally, one needs two hands, or a shower, and every so often, Kevin and I would like to eat a meal together. Like, at the same time. At the same table. And a couple of hours of sleep would be nice, too. Not that we’re picky.
So this book, “The Happiest Baby on the Block”, talks a little about how to get fussy babies to feel safe and comfortable enough to be put down for a little while, and it describes some gentle, comforting techniques for getting little babies to sleep a little longer. Nothing drastic, just a few different things layered on top of one another to make the little fussies a little less fussy.
Ladies and gentlemen, I must tell you, right now, Eli is swaddled like a burrito (which he previously hated), in his swing (ditto), with an untuned radio playing static in his little ear. And he has been ASLEEP for 2 hours. And I’m typing with two hands. Miracles never cease! I promise not to overuse this technique and abandon my son to the swing, but it really feels great to know that something works.
Thank you Dori for recommending this book and encouraging me to keep at it.
Now, I will go write all those thank you notes I’m behind on!